The Department of Parks and Wildlife is running a unique project to control feral pigs in the Walpole Wilderness - part of an international bio-diversity hotspot that contains tingle forest and threatened plants and animals found nowhere else in the world.

Parks and Wildlife Frankland District Officer, Glenn Ewing, said feral animal control was a key priority in managing the area and the district has come up with an innovative solution to assist with pig control.

'Feral pigs have significant impact on the Walpole environment, with their feeding and wallowing affecting vegetation structure, soil integrity and threatened plants and animals.'

'In addition, they are a potential conduit for exotic diseases.'

During April and May 2015,  Parks and Wildlife officers, with the help of Dr Richard Reynolds from the Denmark Vet Hospital & Paws Speciality Surgery and Dr David Edmonds from the Walpole Nornalup National Parks Association, successfully trapped and collared a boar weighing approximately 50kg and a sow weighing approximately 45kg.

'The pigs were captured as part of plans to use them as tracking devices to lead us to other locations of feral pigs, with the intention of controlling these feral animals.' Mr Ewing said.

'The data gained from radio-tracking the pigs will provide valuable information on feral pig movements and help us better understand feral pig behaviour, leading to more effective methods of controlling them.'

The project is a partnership between the Department of Parks and Wildlife and South Coast Natural Resource Management, and receives funding from the Australian Government.

To find out more information, visit Parks and Wildlife on Facebook: WA Parks & Wildlife